Web Form Configuration Specification


A RIOS Web Form Configuration is a standard means to augment an Instrument Definition with additional configuration and meta-data that allows the Instrument to be administered via a web-based application.


Web Form Configurations are stored and exchanged as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects. The structure of these objects must adhere to the rules set forth in this document. When stored in files, these files must be UTF-8 encoded.


Root Object

The Root Object of a Web Form Configuration consists of several properties:

Type:Instrument Reference Object
Description:This property specifies which Instrument Definition the Form is based on.
Type:Metadata Collection Object
Description:This property allows arbitrary information about this Web Form to be stored within the configuration. This property is optional.
Type:String; Must be in the form of a RFC5646 Language Tag
Description:This property specifies the localization that will be available in every Localized String Object within the Form Configuration.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property contains a short string that acts as a human-readable title or brief description of the Form described within.
Example:My Example Title
Type:Array of Page Object
Contraints:Required; Must contain at least one Page Object
Description:This property lists the Pages of Questions (and/or other Elements) that the Form is made up of. The order that the Pages are placed in this property is the same order that they will be presented on the front end.
Type:Parameter Collection Object
Description:This property specifies the identifiers of variables that will be provided upon instantiation by a source external to this Form.

Instrument Reference Object

An Instrument Reference Object is the means for a Web Form Configuration to reference the exact Instrument (and version of that Instrument) that the responses contained within are in reference to.

Constraints:Required; Must be a URI as described in RFC3986
Description:This property is a reference to the id property on the root object of an Instrument Definition. It is meant to specify the exact Instrument this Web Form Configuration is based on.
Description:This property is a reference the the version property on the root object of an Instrument Definition. It is meant to specify the exact revision of the Instrument this Form Configuration is based on.

Page Object

A Page object represents a all the Elements of a Form that will be shown on a single screen. It consists of several properties:

Description:This property specifies a unique identifier for the Page, so that it can be referenced in the context of event trigger expressions.
Type:Array of Element Object
Constraints:Required; Must contain at least one Element Object
Description:This property contains the list of Elements (Questions, text entries, dividers, etc) that the Page is made up of. The order that the Elements are placed in this property is the same order that they will be presented on the front end.

Element Object

An Element object represents a single piece of a Form. It consists of several properties:


Enumerated String




This property indicates the type of element that is being described.

Name Description
question A Question that the user can respond to.
header A header/title text entry. Analogous to an H1 HTML tag.
text A paragraph or group of text that should be displayed to the user.
divider A horizontal screen divider. Analogous to an HR HTML tag.
audio An audio recording exposed via a simple player.



This property is a container for whatever additional parameters are needed for this particular Element.

Element Type Applicable Options
question The options are in the form of a Question Object.
header The only option allowed is a single property named text that is a Localized String Object. This property can be marked up.
text The only option allowed is a single property named text that is a Localized String Object. This property can be marked up.
divider N/A
audio The only option allowed is a single property named source that is an Audio Source Object.
Type:Array of Identifier
Description:This property allows the Form author to tag the element as belonging to a particular “group” so that they may be later referenced in an Event Object target as collection. These tags cannot be the same as the IDs of any Fields in the associated Instrument Definition, nor the id of any Pages.

Question Object

A Question Object defines how a Field from an Instrument is presented to the user so that they may provide a response.

Description:This property is a reference to the ID of a Field that is defined in the associated Instrument Definition. A Field ID can only be used in one Question Object in a given Form.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to provide a more detailed description for the Question. Often, it is an explicit question that is being asked of the Subject. This text can be marked up.
Example:What is the your age?
Type:Audio Source Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to supply audio recordings of the (or in support of) the question that the end user can play. This property is optional.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to supply additional text that will be provided as help content for the Question. This property is optional and can contain marked up text.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to supply text that will be presented to the user when the value they’ve input is not valid. This property is optional and can contain marked up text.
Type:Array of Descriptor Object
Constraints:Only applies to Questions for Fields of type enumeration or enumerationSet
Description:This property contains the list of Enumerations that are presented to the user for them to choose from. The order that the Enumeration Objects are placed in this property is the same order that they will be presented on the front end. Only the enumerations specified in this property will be displayed to the user. If this property is not specified, then all enumerations will be displayed using their IDs.
Type:Array of Question Object
Constraints:Required for Fields of type recordList or matrix
Description:This property allows the author to specify the sequence and configuration of the child Fields contained within a recordList or matrix Field. For matrices, these questions correspond to the columns.
Type:Array of Descriptor Object
Constraints:Required for Fields of type matrix
Description:This property allows the author to specify the sequence and configuration of the rows in a matrix field.
Type:Widget Configuration Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to override or provide additional configuration options to the front-end widget that will be used to collect the response from the user. This property is optional, and, if not specified, will result in the default widget to be used for the data type of the Field.
Type:Array of Event Object
Description:This property allows for the configuration of different events or actions to occur to the Question based on satisfying the specified expressions. This property is optional and has no default value.

Descriptor Object

A Descriptor Object is the means with which an author defines the text of simple facets of a Form such as Enumerations and Matrix Rows.

Description:This property is a reference to the ID of an Enumeration or Row on the Field that is defined in the associated Instrument Definition.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to provide a more detailed description for the Enumeration/Row rather than displaying a code. This text can be marked up.
Type:Audio Source Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to supply audio recordings of the (or in support of) the Enumeration/Row that the end user can play. This property is optional.
Type:Localized String Object
Description:This property allows the Form author to supply additional text that will be provided as help content for the Enumeration/Row. This property is optional and can contain marked up text.

Event Object

An Event Object represents an action that the Form will take when a particular condition is met. This object consists of the following properties:

Type:String Instrument Definition
Description:This property specifies a REXL expression that, when it evaluates to a truthy value, will then cause the action specified in this Event Object to execute.

Enumerated String




This property indicates which action the front-end application should take when the corresponding expression evaluates to a truthy value.

Action Applicable Elements Applies to Pages Description
hide question, header, text, divider, audio Yes Completely hides the element from the user.
disable question, header, text, divider, audio Yes Shows the element to the user, but does not allow them to interact with or respond to it.
hideEnumeration question No Hides the specified enumerations (in enumeration and enumerationSet Questions) from the user.
fail question No Causes the response to the Question to be considered “invalid”, meaning the user must change it before they can successfully complete the Form.
Type:Array of Compound Identifier
Description:This property specifies which Element(s) are impacted by the action being executed. These Identifiers can either be either references to the fieldId of Questions, the id of Pages, or a tag specified by one or more Elements in the tags property. If not specified, it is implied that the action applies to the Question the Event is associated with.



The contents of the Object depend on the action specified.


This property allows the Form author to provide configuration parameters to the action being executed. This property is optional.

Option Applicable Actions Description
text fail A Localized String Object that contains the error message to show on the target question. Required.
enumerations hideEnumeration A list of enumeration IDs to hide on the target question. Required.

Widget Configuration Object

A Widget Configuration Object is the means to specify which front-end data collection component should be used and to provide configuration parameters for that component. This object consists of a couple properties:


Enumerated String




This property indicates the type of the front-end widget that should be used. The following listed widgets are considered the “default” set and must be recognized by any consumer of the Web Form. Custom and/or implementation-specific widget types are allowed to be used. If a consumer of a Web Form encounters a widget type it does not recognize, it must default to using the widgets indicated below.

Type Applicable Field Types Description
inputText text* A single-line text box.
inputNumber integer*, float* A single-line text box optimized for numeric input.
textArea text A multi-line text box.
radioGroup enumeration*, boolean* A group of radio button options that only allows one selection.
checkGroup enumerationSet* A group of checkbox options that allows multiple selections.
dropDown enumeration, boolean A drop-down selection box that only allows one selection.
datePicker date* TBD
timePicker time* TBD
dateTimePicker dateTime* TBD
recordList recordList* A complex widget that allows the editing of repeated sets of questions in a vertically-scrolling fashion.
matrix matrix* A grid of Fields where the Questions are presented horizontally and repeated for each row in the matrix.

Field types notated with a * use that widget by default.




The contents of the Object depend on the widget specified in the type property.


This property allows the Form author to provide configuration parameters to the widget being used. This property is optional. The base options for the “default” widget set are listed below. If a consumer of a Web Form encounters an option it does not recognize, it must be ignored.

Option Applicable Widgets Default Description
width inputText, inputNumber, textArea medium Specifies the width of the widget. Allows small, medium, or large.
height textArea medium Specifies the height of the widget. Allows small, medium, or large.
addLabel recordList Add A Localized String Object that specifies the text to use on the button that adds a new record to the list.
removeLabel recordList Remove A Localized String Object that specifies the text to use on the button that removes a record from the list.
hotkeys radioGroup, checkGroup   A mapping of Enumeration IDs to the numeric digits that will act as hotkeys to select the enumeration via keyboard entry. This option is ignored if there are more than 10 enumerations. If an enumeration is not listed in the mapping, it will automatically be assigned one.
autoHotkeys radioGroup, checkGroup false A boolean that indicates that hotkeys must be enabled, even if the hotkeys option is not specified.
orientation radioGroup, checkGroup vertical Specifies the direction that the enumerations should be listed. Allows vertical or horizontal.

Audio Source Object

An Audio Source Object is a container that allows the configuration author to specify the source files to play in components that provide audio playback functionality. It is structured much like a Localized String Object, where each property is a RFC5646 Language Tag. The value of each property is an array of strings that contain URLs to the files for each locale. Each URL in the array should point to a file that has the same recording, but a different encoding (e.g., MP3 vs. OGG vs. WAV).


    "en": [
    "fr": [

Note: The URLs for the audio files can technically be path-relative, domain-relative, or fully-qualified. It is advised, though, that you only use fully-qualified (e.g., http://example.com/foo.mp3) or domain-relative (e.g., /somewhere/foo.mp3). Using path-relative URLs (e.g, ../../foo.mp3) can be troublesome to configure in environments where subpaths or mount points may not be predictable or stable.

Parameter Collection Object

A Parameter Collection object consists of one-to-many properties where the property name serves as a reference to a variable that will be supplied to the Form rendering engine from an external source. These variables can be used in any event logic, and can be substituted into the text of any element that renders text. The keys to this object must be in the form of an Identifier. The values in this object must be in the form of a Parameter Object.

Parameter Object

A Parameter object describes the nature of the incoming parameter. It consists of the following properties:

Type:Enumerated String
Description:This property indicates the rough data type of the value that will be received in this variable.
PossibleValues:numeric, text, boolean

Localized String Object

A Localized String Object is a generic container that allows the configuration author to provide text for use in a Form that is accompanied with localized (translated) versions of that text. This object contains one or more properties, where each property is a RFC5646 Language Tag. The values of all the properties are the localized versions of the same text.


    "en": "What is the subject's age?",
    "fr": "Quel est l'âge de l'objet?"

Every Localized String Object within a given Web Form Configuration must contain at least one property that is keyed with the same Language Tag that is defined in the defaultLocalization property of the Root Object. This ensures that the application responsible for displaying the Form can be guaranteed to always have at least one known text string available to it.


Identifiers are strings that adhere to the following restrictions:

  • Consists of 2 or more of the following characters:
    • Lowercase latin alphabetic characters (“a” through “z”; Unicode 0061 through 007A)
    • Latin numeric digits (“0” through “9”; Unicode 0030 through 0039)
    • Underscore characters (“_”; Unicode 005F)
  • The first character is an alphabetic character.
  • The last character is not an underscore.
  • Does not contain consecutive underscore characters.

Example Identifiers:

  • page1
  • grp_a
  • ref_1_2_alpha

Compound Identifier

Compound Identifiers are strings that are combinations of Identifier strings that are joined by a single period character (Unicode 002E).

Example Identifiers:

  • page1
  • foo.bar
  • grp_a.f00.blah

Text Formatting and Parameters

In numerous places throughout this document, there are properties that contain text that is displayed to the user under varying conditions. When one of these properties is noted as allowing “marked up” text, this means that the property supports two pieces of functionality:

  • You can use the Creole markup language to add simple formatting to the text, such as bold/italic font decorations, links, line breaks, etc. The syntax for performing this can be found here.

  • You can perform parameter substitution to have the values of various parameters be inserted into your text. This is done by using the following notation:

    How old is <<Parameter subject_name>>?


    How old is <<Parameter subject_name this subject>>?

    The first token after the Parameter keyword is the name of the parameter to insert into the text. If the parameter does not exist or is null, then the token(s) after the parameter name are inserted into the text. If nothing is listed after the parameter name, then nothing is inserted.

    If subject_name was set to “Jason” then the two examples would both look like:

    How old is Jason?

    If subject_name was not available for the Form to use, then the first example would look like:

    How old is?

    And the second example would look like:

    How old is this subject?

Metadata Collection Object

A Metadata Collection Object consists of one to many properties that allows you to attach arbitrary, implementation-specific, or other such data to structures within a Web Form Configuration.

For consistency’s and interoperability’s sake, some common data elements are defined below, but note that the Metadata Collection Object has no required or predefined properties, and can therefore contain any (legal JSON) property names and value data types. Software that consumes Web Form Configurations must ignore any property whose name it does not recognize or support.

Property Name Data Type Example Description
author String John Smith A string that describes the entity that created this configuration.
copyright String 2009, Smith Instrumentation A string that describes who owns the copyright to the Instrument or Form implemented by this configuration.
homepage String http://www.example.com A URL (as described by RFC1738) to a web page that has more information about this Instrument or Form.
generator String SurveyBuilder/1.0 A string that indicates what application produced the Form Configuration. This must should be formatted similarly to HTTP Product Token strings as specified in RFC2616.